[UK-CONTEST] OT: RSGB move and QSL bureau - closure?

Michael Ruttenberg G7TWC g7twc at rutty.eclipse.co.uk
Sat Dec 15 18:56:34 EST 2007


January's Radcom says that RSGB are moving (in March ?). 

What it doesn't say is that they are NOT taking the QSL bureau with them; indeed I hear that there is no room for the bureau in their tiny new premises. A source tells me that the bureau's paid staff (and many others) are being made redundant and RSGB will try to outsource it somewhere.

Is this concerning to you as it is to me? Outsourcing (in which case the only reason I use RSGB would be lost). I only use the RSGB for the bureau (and rarely at that) and rarely read Radcom and consequently my and other members I know's subs are not guaranteed to be forthcoming in future years.You don't need to be a member of RSGB for some contests, so I am losing faith in RSGB's integrity.

(puts on tin hat)

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