[UK-CONTEST] UK-Contest Digest, Vol 60, Issue 16

gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk
Sun Dec 16 12:26:52 EST 2007

As usual the guys who ACTUALLY do the DXpeditions, and/or go to DX 
countries for contests, and/or are involved with RSGB at board level 
and/or perform QSL management have got it spot on.   

I pay my subs because I want to belong to an organisation that through 
its efforts has given me endless hours of enjoyment on bands which it 
has negotiated for on our behalf - and its a price well worth paying 
(and should be paid by ALL licensed amateurs in the UK, and on the same 
basis that we are all supposed to pay road tax for the use of our 

As such, I count the QSL bureau as one of the many benefits of 
membership - if the RSGB have to outsource because of costs then I have 
every confidence that it will be handled in the best way possible.

Has the Board considered that if it really wants to lower costs then 
they could move the whole operation to the Highlands?   For a 5 figure 
sum it could afford offices purpose-built for its day-to-day operations 
and enough land for HF antennas in a planning-friendly part of the UK.
[heh, just a thought guys!]

73 de Cris


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