[UK-CONTEST] OT But maybe of interest

Mike Harris mike.harris at horizon.co.fk
Mon Feb 5 16:21:44 EST 2007


| 1. What would be the most efficient method of matching the Open Wire
| Feeder, such that the shack end sees 50 Ohms ? (Could be matched at the
| aerial or shack end ?).

At the TX station I ran here for a while (point to point Falklands - UK 
and Antarctica) we had very large Rhombics fed with OW feeder, two wires 
about 8 inches apart.  The matching transformers were in the TX hall. 
16:1, oil filled, about half the size of a domestic fridge.

Was quite fun checking the VSWR with a pick up trolley running on the 

All this was on the common, un secured.  The feeders about eight feet off 
the ground, too low to ride a horse under, no one fried.

We also had a vertical wire log periodic with the lower element half ends 
only about two feet off the ground, again un fenced.  Must have been some 
serious voltage there when we were stoking it to South Georgia and South 
Orkney Is.


Mike VP8NO 

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