[UK-CONTEST] 80m CC Data leg

g4fka at aol.com g4fka at aol.com
Thu Feb 15 16:50:03 EST 2007

The story from Bristol is similar to other reports. Phase distortion  causing 
some interesting decodes. Deep and variable QSB and odd bursts of QRN,  the 
latter unusual for my area as all our services and cables are  underground. 
Still the poor ionosphere was a bit disturbed so we'll forgive it  for being 
I even had a station calling me early on with what looked like a USA  
callsign but I guess the poor software was confused!
Gave up on the macros for many QSOs and sent numbers manually and many  
times. Sending words helped as well when the decode just couldn't get consistent  
33 Qs from here, 32 RTTY and 1 BPSK31. More PSK might have been a better  
option given the conditions - should have asked a few more to "do the  double".
Geoff G4FKA

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