Ian G3WVG g3wvg at btinternet.com
Sat Jan 20 17:12:25 EST 2007

Was interested to see G0AAA spotted on the cluster at 1758 - by K6IPM

73 de CRIS

Blimey. ..That's not good news.   I knew I should have lowered the antenna.

Initially I made really good progress around 3660 but then got beaten up by
a moaning DL stn.  This was followed by over 30 mins. of harassment by some
eejut playing  music to me at S9 +30db. Apparently 3650-3700 is supposed to
be contest free , at least that is what some people  kept telling me.

Anyhow , generally good fun with 390 valid Qs in the log.  SSB is ok I
suppose but CW is far more relaxing.   

73 Ian G0AAA (aka g3wvg ..)

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