[UK-CONTEST] Deliberate QRM in AFS

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Sun Jan 21 09:01:58 EST 2007

Colin, would also please raise the subject of SSTV people subjecting us 
to deliberate QRM.

Last year I suffered long deliberate voice and SSTV "noise" QRM, the 
perpetrator was a PA0 or ON I believe. He even recorded my CQs and 
played them back on my run frequency. I eventually moved but heard 
others being subjected to the same treatment.

As I reported last week, in CW AFS I suffered deliberate CQing and calls 
from a QRMer using different G callsigns. I suspect very strongly that 
this was the same person who had made a point of targeting me.

This year in SSB AFS whilst having some warm-up QSOs on 3744, away from 
the voluntary SSTV sub-band, (and before my Heil mic lead went o/c) I 
heard a weakish (possibly non-UK) voice say "Go Away," in addition I 
heard some SSTV "noise."  I am fairly certain that I would have been 
subject to more QRM had I stayed there.

Allocating an SSTV slot right in the middle of a recognised SSB is 
asking for trouble anyway. Any contest which includes 80m SSB is going 
to cover that piece of spectrum. The SSTV people need to be made aware 
of this. Yes, we understand their frustrations but we didn't ask for 
that slot.

The really good news about this year's SSB AFS is that it attracted many 
newly licenced people as well as many more established people who don't 
normally participate in contests. This is a major achievement for RSGB, 
the Contest Committee and ham radio in general.

Good luck, Colin

73 Chris G3SJJ

Colin wrote:
> This subject has been addressed before but I will copy Martins' email to
> the Region 1 HF Managers reflector and stir up some discussion on there.
> There has been a change of DARC HF Manager since the last time the
> subject was raised so it certainly is time for a reminder.   In addition
> I am sure John G3WKL the RSGB HF Manager will raise the topic during the
> next meeting.   Most of the agenda is devoted to HF contest matters
> which is ironic seeing as the Davos Conference decided to dispense with
> the Contest Sub-Group!
> 73
> Colin, G3PSM
> Martin Atherton wrote:
>> This deliberate QRM has been getting worse each year and it is time
>> something was done about it. As IARU Region 1 is the organiser of the HF
>> Band Plan perhaps the Region 1 HF Committee (Chair G3PSM, Vice Chair F8BPN)
>> could ask all Member Societies to publicise the fact that just because
>> 3650-3700 is not "contest preferred" it does not mean that contests are
>> excluded from it. Also worth mentioning again that bandplans are not
>> mandatory in most countries. Region 1 Societies might also stresss that
>> deliberate QRM is a violation of national licence conditions. It would be
>> helpful if they could do this every December! 
>> The Region 1 HF Committee is meeting in late February.
>> 73
>> Martin G3ZAY
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