Dave Cree daveg3tbk at tiscali.co.uk
Fri Jun 8 04:50:08 EDT 2007

Hi All.

At East Notts CG site (actually in Lincolnshire) we enjoyed fantastic 
weather for the whole weekend, despite predictions of rain by those 
supposed to know!
Operation was from a tent, repaired by G4LPD after the damage it 
suffered in the gales during last year's SSB FD. Power was from a 
propane fuelled generator, which only coughed once, when my XYL's 
switching on of the kettle co-incided with the caravan water heater 
cutting in.

Entering the Open section as usual, our antennas were a TH7 at 60 ft., 
with dipoles at maximum permitted height for the 3 LF bands.  We also 
had a low dipole for 40m which proved useful  for short range QSOs.
Whilst the 10m sporadic-E  opening was not as prolonged as last year, we 
managed 131 QSOs,  mostly in the first  couple of hours.  On Sunday we 
did get a few points, mostly inter-G.
After last years unusually poor conditions on 160m and 80m,  normality 
returned, and we finished with 159 QSOs on top band, about our norm.
Like others to have reported we were called by Mike, VP8NO, and also 
worked VK8.  The only other DX of note was a YV on 80m.
We did enjoy a good run to the USA on 40m during the small hours.
Following the withdrawal at the last minute of the planned Grimsby 
entry, George G4EBK came over to us and gave us a good spell of 
operating on Sunday, when I usually struggle to stay alert.  ( The 
members of East Notts are all members of GARS as well) .
We finished on 1297 QSOs, which we thought reasonable at this stage of 
the cycle, but probably not enough to put us in the prizes!

73 Dave


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