[UK-CONTEST] Fw: [3830] Commonwealth ZL6QH(ZL1AZE) Open HP

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Mon Mar 12 05:31:46 EST 2007

On 12 Mar 2007 at 23:12, Brian Miller wrote:
> Thanks to everyone for the QSOs and for your patience while I pulled
> some very weak G signals out of the QRN and QRM from the EU zoo!

Yepp, thanks for our usual QSO on QRP on 40m. Only heard you once on 
20m though.
> By the way I noticed a few HQ stations missing from my log. Did anyone
> come across VK4WIA or GB5CC?

Somebody else mentioned that GB5CC was not that active this year, who 
was running it? I heard a few stations working them but didn't copy 
them myself on any of the bands - perhaps they were just S and P?

And for Gary ZL2IFB's benefit, I was the station calling you on 40m 
yesterday morning who you thought was G3NKC....

73 Dave G3YMC


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