Iain Kelly iain at m0pcb.co.uk
Mon Mar 12 10:42:22 EST 2007


Thought I'd post a few words about this one. Was great fun.

This is the first time I've entered this one, and boy am I glad I did! 
Only managed 45q's, which on balance with my modest station wasn't bad 
for around 14 hours S&P.

Set-up was an IC-706, an 88' top Inv-V doublet at 25' and a Sandpiper 
MV5+3 vertical (about 12' tall). Used SD (for the first time, and I was 
quite impressed with it) though I didn't get SD to send the CW for me, I 
did it by hand this time.

In all I worked 4 all time new DXCCs and a number of new band/mode 
combinations, so it was worth it for that! Africa was weak on 15, but I 
did manage 7Q7BP on 2 bands and 9J2BO on 20M. V25XF was a good signal on 
all the bands (80-15) though I couldn't work him on 80. Thanks for 
picking out my tiny signal Nigel!

ZS3/G3LZQ was very weak unfortunately, but I did manage to work ZS6AAA 
on 15M. 80M was a bit of a disappointment for me, some good signals 
heard but usually with strong G pileups, so only managed VO1 on that 
band. I had intended to only get up at 7am on Sunday (that's still very 
early for a layabout student!) but as luck would have it I woke up at 
spot on 6am. Suffice to say I put the rig on and was tuning around 80 
and 40. I was pleased to hear VK and ZL on 40. Even more pleased to 
actually work them! ZL6QH was in fact my first ZL in the log ever! It's 
only taken 6.5 years to do it, and 40M is the last band I would have 
expected it on. Worked a couple of VK, couple of ZL and then not a great 
deal for the rest of the contest.

Two nice ones got away, notably VP8NO, who was a good signal (around 
579) but I must've been too weak on him, but he was by fr the best, of 
the 3, signals I've heard from VP8). Also VQ9LA was about, but too weak 
to work.

                     160m  80m  40m  20m  15m  10m  Total

Valid QSOs:    0        1      17    19       8       0      45
Bonus QSOs:   0        1      17    17       8      0      43

Claimed score 1085
24 hour restricted section.

I shall definitely be back on the bands next year for this one. Quite 
why I've not entered before I'm not sure...

73, Iain

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