G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Fri Mar 16 15:37:25 EST 2007

Nice try Gavin, but those with influence that could effect change will 
resist anything that might upset their Modus Operandi, which is why I 
have given up on that line and opt for concentration on the 12 hour 
section for UK.

What puzzles me also is why so many people complain and give up on the 
21/28MHz because of the lack of stuff to work and yet feel it is 
acceptable for CwC.

What is wrong with wanting to increase QSO numbers in CwC yet right in 
21/28MHz? Doesn't make sense.

At least my values are consistent!

Chris G3SJJ

Gavin Taylor GM0GAV wrote:
> This would seem to be quite an emotive subject then!
> A common thread seems to be the number of Q's made by UK stations and
> allowing inter UK QSO's. I am strongly in favour of allowing domestic QSO's,
> it would seem to solve so many of the issues myself and others have with the
> contest. Here are some of my thoughts:
> Firstly allow everybody in the Commonwealth to work everybody else.
> Follow the RSGB Commonwealth call areas list.
> Weight the scoring accordingly so that everybody's main focus is working DX
> and try to make it possible to win it from all the areas. Inter UK qso
> points would need to be much lower than other QSO's.
> The current points + bonus system is fine, just change the weightings.
> It's laughable to say we would spend all our time working G's, most of our
> domestic contests consist of an hour of frantic activity then drop off. At
> critical times on 80m like ZL & VK sunrise real competitors would be far to
> busy looking for bonuses to be making domestic QSO's, leaving a few casual
> callers. VE3EJ never seems to have any problem finding bonuses as well
> working the UK stations, why would we be any different? 
> Dave BUO commented that "G6CJ devised the scoring scheme in the 70s and it
> has stood the test of time." I would say it is flawed as it requires seven
> of the Commonwealth call areas to be merged into one and it hasn't been won
> from the UK under these rules.
> I am sure the VK & ZL's would be glad to pick up a few extra QSO's working
> their own call area as well. It is starting to look very unlikely that it
> will ever be won from VK or ZL again under the current rules due to the drop
> in VK activity.
> I know it is all very easy for me to say being a newcomer to the contest and
> not carrying much of the historic sentiment. I just want to see a popular
> contest which fits the current Commonwealth rather than yesterday's Empire.
> Better get back to work!
> 73 Gavin

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