gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk
Sat Mar 17 13:46:41 EST 2007

Following on from the perceived need for weighting points in favour of 
UK stations, why not add a percentage of points according to the number 
of logs received from each call area?

Rounding up the percentages the 2006 results showed, for example,  
that 50% of logs were received from the UK, 13% from VE3, 1% from J8, 
ZC, etc, etc. 
It follows that each VE3 had 87% of the field to aim at, each UK 
station had 50% and each of the lesser populated areas had up to 99%.

So, if each station's log was awarded a bonus percentage according to 
his call area this would certainly even things up a bit - ie 50% extra 
would be given to each UK station, 13% to each VE3, etc, etc - in fact, 
VE3EJ would still head the list but the next 5 stations all have UK 
Those top 6 stations incidentally were also the leaders in BCA worked, 
which I suggest is a good reflection of operator skill in mixing rate 
with S&P.

I am still totally against inter UK working for 2 reasons:-
1) A lot of UK entrants QSY to 40 and 80 late afternoon onwards to try 
and work VK/ZL.  So, we have an hour of frantic inter-UK activity 
followed by ..... errr zilch because the openings have gone.   
Marvellous - UK-centric points gained at the expense of working 
elsewhere - no thanks.

2) Standby for the howls of protest that those within the Home 
Counties can work shoals of groundwave locals on HF that they can't.

73 de CRIS


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