[UK-CONTEST] Legalise the big black box

Peter Bowyer peter at bowyer.org
Mon Mar 19 03:46:32 EST 2007

On 19/03/07, Mike Farmer (G3VAO) <G3VAO at hortonbc.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> Here is an opportunity to attempt to stop the old discussions on the amount of power some contest stations appear to use!!!!!!
> http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/hampower/

Of course it's pointless, just like most of the other 'petitions'
which are springing up. Even if every interested person in the country
'signs', the answer will still be 'this is a matter for Ofcom'. Which
we all already knew.

Do we really think the Prime Minister's office should waste its time
with minor telecommunications regulations? I certainly don't, I'd
rather they got on with running the country.

Peter G4MJS

Peter Bowyer
Email: peter at bowyer.org

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