[UK-CONTEST] G4NOK North Wakefield RC F/D Scuppered - More

Steve Wilson, G3VMW steve at g3vmw.demon.co.uk
Tue May 22 16:25:24 EDT 2007

 > On 22 May 2007 at 9:46, John Muzyka wrote:
 > North Wakefield RC wont be doing F/D this year unless some nice kind
 > hearted person has a Mobile Tower to loan us that does not live too
 > far from WF2 ?


 >>Well I can see your reason for not moving the tower, but it is a very
 >>weak excuse for not doing FD at all. Many of us have loads of fun
 >>without needing 60ft mobile towers etc. Give the restricted or low
 >>power sections a try or even a single band top band entry we have
 >>done at Bracknell in the past.
 >>73 Dave G3YMC


You are all quite right of course and the Restricted Section of NFD 
would be an obvious choice for us at North Wakefield. It is always a lot 
of fun competing with all those great operators in the Restricted (and 
Open) teams.

However, there's a bit more to this story, which I'm sure John G4RCG 
won't mind me relating.

We do NFD with just three operators - G4RCG, G4RQI and myself. John 
G4RCG who is our Team Captain, in the last few days, has had keyhole 
surgery on his right knee and really shouldn't be driving to the NFD 
site anyway, let alone operating or putting up aerials. I had similar 
knee surgery on an old sporting injury in 2001 and short of shuffling 
around on your arse or walking with crutches, it is incredibly hard (and 
painful) to get around without doing more damage.

David G4RQI has just moved to a new house in the last week or so, and is 
simply too busy with the new place to operate in NFD. We've all been 
there so you know how it is.

Given the little difficulty with the blue tits nesting in our mobile 
tower, which was effectively the last straw (no pun intended), we 
decided that the honourable thing to do was not to enter NFD at all this 
year - even though we would *really* like to do so. Restricted or Open 
Section, we have the technology.

I don't really fancy doing all of the NFD operating by myself, even with 
the great back-up team we have at NWRC. With the best will in the world, 
there are times when you just have to take a break, which means NIL 
points and in NFD that just isn't competitive!

However, I *do* have a weekend pass from the management here and if any 
NFD team within reasonable range of Leeds, i.e. Restricted or Open, need 
another CW operator then do please let me know! I'd be only too pleased 
to help. I do have a bit of previous NFD form. I'm a non-smoker and I 
know what soap, water and showers are traditionally used for. Probably 
best to keep me off the curries and chilli though.


Steve Wilson, G3VMW
Bramham, Wetherby, West Yorkshire

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