[UK-CONTEST] N1MM and Microkeyer

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Mon May 28 16:18:52 EDT 2007

Frank, I haven't experienced anything like you posted. We had some 
serious issues a couple of years ago at GU8D in the IOTA contest using 
mHam Keyer with Writelog. It came down to problems with networking with 
WL and mHam Router problems, both of which were resolved by authors 
issuing upgrades shortly afterwards. Wintest was struggling with Winkey 
interface but their answer was to ignore the problem and even refuse to 
acknowledge emails highlighting the problem.

N1MM did have some WK problems but seems very stable over the last few 
months. Last week in the 80m CC I was using a new Dell Inspiron with 
dual core processor, N1MM and a WinKey 2 USB Keyer. It was very stable 
and no keying problems at all. Admittedly I was only on for an hour with 
just 80 Qs, but it didn't even cough, never mind splutter!

Actually I was very pleased with the whole setup as everything was USB 
interface. I bought a Two Serial Port to USB interface from USB Direct 
Store off the internet (tnx info G3TKF), (20 quid inc 4 port USB hub,) 
it works excellently for radio interface with the K2, a Belkin USB 
wireless keyboard and mouse from PC World and the WK2 USB Keyer. (I just 
want to get a Parallel to USB adapter now so that I can run the DX 
Doubler off the laptop for SO2R.)

Chris G3SJJ

Frank Hunter wrote:
> Paul J. Piercey wrote:
>> Hi Frank,
> Hi Paul!
>> In all likelihood, it's a result of the K1EL issue with dual-core
>> processors. There has been a lot of traffic on the N1MM reflector about it.
>> Joe W4TV replied a few times on it and I have included one of his replies
>> here.
> Great stuff, just what I was looking for.
>> Hope this helps but you're not alone with the problem.
> I know, I heard a few I called having their calls truncated.. :(
> 73, Frank

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