Dave Sergeant
dave at davesergeant.com
Tue May 29 10:16:04 EDT 2007
On 29 May 2007 at 14:00, justin at g4tsh.demon.co.uk wrote:
> I have noticed that after an upgrade to a faster ADSL+ modem my EMC
> problems returned. Of course the faster modems use a wider chunk of
> the HF spectrum and the modem "front end" will be wider open and at
> some point external RF will get into the system and swamp the
> relatively weak DSL signals on the line. Common mode chokes will go
> some way to curing this, but I suspect that some sort of low pass
> filter on the telephone line may be required to cure it(Anyone have a
> design for one of these?). The side effect of this will be that you
> will get a slower connection. My old 512 and 1 meg rate limited
> connections were OK, but now I have a so called "up-to-8meg"
> connection that barely gets me 2 meg of useable bandwidth and a new
> ADSL2+ modem. The EMC problem is back. I have even managed to kill
> it with 5 watts of RF on 40m!
The DSLMax system works by increasing your connection rate until it
can go no further without it disconnecting. This means that it works
typically with a SNR not that much higher than 6dB unless you are
very close to the exchange, as against 25dB or so for a typical 2Mb
system. What this means for amateurs of course is that it needs much
less noise of any sort before it loses sync.
There are numerous horror stories with the Max system and at times
one has to wonder whether it was wise to introduce it in the first
place. There is huge commercial pressure to get people up to these
higher rates, but for normal browsing etc 1-2Mb is perfectly fast
enough. I am resisting all offers from BT to upgrade and have a
perfectly stable 2Mb system. I did have a line problem last year
which BT took ages to sort out (believed to be water ingress in their
manhole covers but never found out exactly what). At that time I had
all sorts of crackles on the phone as well, and 30m RF was found to
disconnect it. If you have those sorts of problems persevere, they
are incredibly hard to trace and it is not helped if you are forced
to go through an Indian 'support' line.
Good luck Justin, if you persist they may offer to 'downgrade' you to
your old and stable 1Mb....
73 Dave G3YMC
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