[UK-CONTEST] RadCom, no better

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Tue May 29 16:00:52 EDT 2007

Sent to UK Contest Reflector and General Manager.

OK, we got a full listing for AFS Societies Contest, so Thanks to Don 
G3XTT.  Others areas still leave a lot to be desired.

ATV is now disguised as GB2RS in colour. Come on, does it really need 
two full pages yet again? ATV is now a Regular, why? This was disguised 
as a Feature!

AGM Report - was the AGM so boring that two items had to be repeated, or 
is it that report writing and proof reading are so bad?

P13 - "After lunch the afternoon was more of an informal session, with 
eight Board members giving presentations about their portfolios. This 
followed with eight Board members giving presentations about their 

Next paragragh -  At the AGM Dinner, the President was joined by guests 
of honour ...

Then last paragraph - A A commented " .....the Society was delighted to 
honour ........

I think this is very poor quality reporting.  Sorry, but I am not 
impressed.  Chris G3SJJ

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