[UK-CONTEST] The Perfect Storm

Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Nov 5 15:34:08 EST 2007

Don't blame me if this comes to nothing!
  Netherland info warns of a superstorm after this weekend.
  UK Met Office website only provides info up until the 8th but the pressure map certainly shows a nasty number of lows across the EU map but no storm warning?
  As I'm flying south on Saturday morning for the Martlesham Microwave RT then it's no skin off my nose to drop the tower and tilt it over.....just in case!
  Having had lots of contacts over 1,000 Km during the 2m Marconi CW contest at the weekend....I wouldn't want grief to come to a working system hi.
  73 Ray GM4CXM

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