[UK-CONTEST] Software Poll
Ian White GM3SEK
gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Mon Nov 5 17:44:08 EST 2007
Dave Lawley wrote:
>GM3SEK wrote:
>> The advantage of type-ahead is that it makes a start on sending a
>> response, and reduces the risk of the station calling again in that
>> period of dead silence while you're still typing.
>- don't let this give the impression that Win-Test can't do it. With WT,
>like CT, the operator is in charge not the software, so you get to
>choose when to start sending, by hitting the insert key, rather than
>have the software (so long as it assumes you're in run mode) start to
>send after the 4th character.
Similarly I wouldn't like to leave the impression that the type-ahead
function is mandatory in N1MM. As with most things, it's configurable.
You can set it to any number of characters, or turn it off completely.
>As others have said, whether you like or loathe ESM depends on whether
>you started with CT or TR.
Or neither. Being a relative latecomer to computer logging, I discovered
ESM in Writelog, then swapped to N1MM because the support is better (not
just for ESM I hasten to add).
>I used to think of it as a left coast / right
>coast thing but then I found this from Bob N6TV who although on the left
>coast prefers K1EA's approach with CT:
>"I'd prefer to have the Enter key always do the same thing. Human
>Engineering textbooks say it is generally best to have one function per
>key, where possible, for ease of use (and ease of learning). Problems
>occur if the computer is in one mode & the operator is in another. :-)"
The Enter key in ESM always *does* do the same thing - it always does
the next thing that needs to happen :-)
73 from Ian GM3SEK
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