[UK-CONTEST] Software Poll

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Wed Nov 7 03:29:29 EST 2007

Peter G3LET said,

>> SD is a YES on both counts using ESM and on automated exchange when
>> selected (i.e. after "n" letters have been entered).

Chris ZL1CT said,

> Strange - I can't get SD to show anything but a 'NO' on both counts. I've
> been playing with SD v13.29, WL v10.62H, WT v3.11.0 and MM v7.0.0

I checked, and SD works exactly as Peter describes on both its
built-in keyer and with WinKey.   When SD is used with the PC
sidetone enabled, keying is disabled and type-ahead does not
work.  That's likely to explain the different results.

When using SD's built-in keyer, the SIDETONE command toggles
between actual keying and audio from the PC's speaker.  When
using WinKey, SIDETONE toggles WinKey's speaker - but keying
is always enabled.

Paul EI5DI 

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