Bob Henderson bob at 5b4agn.net
Wed Nov 28 02:59:38 EST 2007

All at the 'ALL G' M/2 operation from P3F had a fun weekend.  The outcome looks like this:

Call: P3F
Operator(s): 5B4AGC (G3LNS), 5B4AGN (G3ZEM), 5B4AHJ (G3PMR), G3PJT, G3VMW, ZC4AB (G3AB)
Station: 5B4AGN

Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Cyprus
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  461    17       72
   80: 1865    28      109
   40: 3283    37      154
   20: 2190    36      135
   15: 1434    35      119
   10:  274    11       48
Total: 9507   164      637  Total Score = 21,520,467

LF conditions seemed down on last year as did conditions on 10m which were at best scratchy.  Our score improved over our last minute fun effort in 2006.  This as a result of antenna improvements and an improvement in mult strategy.  However we still have a way to go on both of these.

We have little chance of competing with stations located in north west Africa or the north of South America at this point in the solar cycle, as our path to NA on HF is flakey.  However, if we're only beaten by stations from these areas, we'll be happy.

The biggest enhancements to our prospects should come with an increase in sun spots.  In the meantime there's a bit more antenna work to be done.

Bob, 5B4AGN

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