[UK-CONTEST] CW sprint

Andy Swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Sun Oct 7 07:32:49 EDT 2007

>> I have serious reservations about the exchange of name in the sprint
>> contest, especially as a few people decided to change theirs for the
>> evening. This may be within the rules, but certainly not within the
>> spirit. If something unique needs to be exchanged in addition to a
>> serial number, I would like it to be something that levels the playing
>> field. 

>Locators perhaps ? 6 characters but prone to errors [like postcodes]

Yay! - and someone else suggested it - so its not my fault.

Lets have a contest with an exchage of serial + locator, that way everybody (UK and EU) has something they can send and how about a multiplier on the squares (IO86 etc)?

(got my tin hat on already, Alex).


p.s.  Enjoyed the contest - only 34 worked which was just about all I could hear on my bit of wire.  Thanks for the QSOs.
I'm not convinced about the complicated QSY rule, 2khz for this - 5 for that - ehhh???  And what do I do if I QSY and then can't find anyone else to work except near to where I was before?


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