Stewart Rolfe gw0etf at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 3 12:22:32 EDT 2007

peter Jackson wrote:
> Hi, I was disappointed that our club had lost 47 Q's out of a claimed 904 in NFD this year, this is more than 50% increase on last years when we had more contacts. How is the contest adjudicated? is only UK logs used in adjudication, or do Europe send their logs to the RSGB for cross checking? If it is the former, then it's more serious as we work far more eu's than G's. Do other clubs suffer similar losses? I will be pleased to hear from them.
> 73 Pete G3KNU (G4FUH/P Scunthorpe Steel ARC)
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GW4TTA/P lost 45 from a claimed 643. It was a fairly relaxed multi-op 
effort but it likewise seems a bit high. Pity we don't get UBN reports 
which presumably would show which contacts were broken and why.

Have also checked the DARC web site for the combined IARU results. Can't 
really make sense of it all but I assume the qso and score columns have 
been transposed? If this is the case then we have lost 38 and G4FUH 36 
here. Must check the rules if I can be bothered as the scoring (mults..) 
is clearly different for the IARU Reg 1 event.

I thought DARC produce UBNs but can't find any sign on the web site.....

Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF

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