[UK-CONTEST] 80m Sprint Contests

Stewart Rolfe gw0etf at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 10 16:17:34 EDT 2007

Dave Lawley wrote:
> ..............the Contest Committee has decided to run two 
> Sprint style contests this October. These are 90 minute long, 10 or 100 
> watt, mid-week events, one on CW and one on SSB, in a similar format to 
> the existing 80m Club Championship.  The Sprint format requires stations 
> to QSY if a contact was solicited on a frequency, and means that 
> different skills and operating style are needed compared with a 
> traditional contest.
Personally I think this is a great idea but it'll be interesting to see 
what the take up is like. I've tried to get some of our club contesters 
interested in the Eusprints but many dislike the format - it appears the 
qsy rule is too far out of their comfort zone.

I'd be interested to hear the reason for departing from the simpler 
(2KHz) qsy rule of the Eusprints to the split 2/5KHz system proposed. A 
qsy is obvious to all to hear but how obvious will it be whether the 
correct 2 or 5 KHz shift has been observed?

Dates are in my diary and looks like October will be the month of The 


Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF

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