[UK-CONTEST] 80m Sprint Contests

Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Mon Sep 10 16:28:11 EDT 2007

Hi Graham

Firstly we're hoping that the publicity will let most people know that 
the QSY is part of the contest.

In practical terms, it will happen that after I have called someone and 
worked him, I may immediately be called by another station and I will go 
on to work him. After this happens a few times, the perennial CQer might 
get the message that this isn't liddish behaviour, but a feature of the 
contest. Or he might at least be prompted to go and check the rules on 
the web!

This is where the exchange format helps. If when tuning around I hear
- then I can expect next to hear
- and as soon as I hear TU (or SSB equivalent) then I know I can drop in 
my call and it will be G4ZZZ, not M0AAA, on the frequency. The point is 
that by sending your call at the end of the exchange, you are indicating 
that you are the caller, not the CQer, and so you will be hanging around 
on frequency to make the next QSO.

This means you may need to program an extra function key in your logging 
program for the CW event, so that both exchange formats are covered. 
Unless you're a TR fan, when I understand it can all be done with the 
enter key. But don't wait until the heat of the contest to find out how!

Dave G4BUO

Graham Wood wrote:
> Dave G4BUO
> What happens if a station, not sending in an entry,
> sticks on one frequency calling CQ and working stations. Are the qso's
> valid??? How do you check that people are qsying 2khz etc.
> I agree
> with general idea. I operate 10w in CC and often it is nearly impossible,
> especially on SSB, to get a run going and have to rely on SP often hearing
> weaker stations working the big boys but never getting the chance to call
> them cos they dont call CQ. 
> Graham G3VIP 

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