[UK-CONTEST] Certificates for 2006 21/28Mhz

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Fri Sep 28 03:55:07 EDT 2007

Anyone know when these certificates are going to be sent out? Both 
myself and Dave, G3ZQH are still waiting!

Dave is a local guy who has recently come back into the hobby. He used 
to enter 21/28 SSB section years ago and tried it again last year. I am 
encouraging him with his CW and he made some QSOs with 3B7C on a 
keyer/paddle he bought at the Donnington show recently. A certificate 
would be much appreciated.

For me, I don't particularly need another (!) but in the puzzling 
absence of a trophy for the overall leader a bit of paper would be nice!

Had planned to have two monos for this year's event but with condx rock 
bottom it ain't worth the effort. I'll just run the same as last year 
and keep pressing the F1 key!

Chris G3SJJ

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