[UK-CONTEST] Sprint Contests Coming Up

Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Sun Sep 30 15:55:09 EDT 2007

The autumn sprint season is upon us. The RSGB Contests Committee is 
trying a variation on the successful 80m CC contests, with the CW sprint 
on Wednesday 3rd October and phone sprint on 10th October. See 
http://www.contesting.co.uk/hfcc/rules/rsprint.shtml  for details.

The autumn EU Sprint contests take place on the next two Saturdays, 
phone on 6th October and CW on 13th. Unfortunately the organisers of the 
RSGB HF Convention have plonked that event down on the CW weekend. EU 
sprints are on 20, 40 and 80m, with activity typically starting on 20m. 
See www.eusprint for details.

The whole point about the sprint format is that you cannot sit on a 
frequency all the time, you must QSY after CQing and making a QSO. 
Agility and skill come to the fore. Get your spikes on and get ready to 

Dave G4BUO

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