Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Sun Apr 6 19:23:45 EDT 2008

I don't think it's rocket science to see how the preponderance of Ed's 
postcode occurred. Even big gun codes are probably not received 
significantly more often than any other, because a reversal takes place 
after every QSO, and indeed if the first station to work a big gun goes 
immediately QRT, that code will never propagate beyond the first QSO.

 In this case the first station to work Ed, or the first station to work 
that station, or the first station to work that station ( now pay 
attention puhleeeze ;-) ) almost certainly kept on sending the mystical 
, and now legendary, Llanvaches code, which then subsumed all other 
codes. It would be really fascinating to have a "map" of the migration 
of the various codes, and I can just see Ray/G4FON's C++ oriented brain 
figuring out how to do this! Actually a simple spreadsheet would 
probably do a pretty good job, and if I were an even sadder person than 
I am, I might have a go at it!

 From a more serious p.o.v. of course it only takes  one rogue entrant 
to mess up the whole contest. I remember this happened when Sergei's 
basic English perpetrated something similar a few years back. All that 
said it's still the best contest format in the calendar.



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