[UK-CONTEST] CW Sprint Tomorrow

Dave Lawley dave at g4buo.com
Fri Apr 11 17:15:52 EDT 2008

Tomorrow (Saturday) the European CW Sprint contest takes place, from 
16.00 to 19.59UTC.

While it's great to have so much activity in the RSGB 80m CC contests, 
it means these days that unless you 'stake out' a frequency before the 
contest starts, it's hard to find anywhere to CQ and the louder stations 
tend to dominate.

The Sprint format solves those problems: once you call CQ or QRZ and 
make a QSO, you must QSY at least 2kHz before your next QSO, so no-one 
can gain an advantage by sitting on a frequency.

The exchange is serial number (no RST needed) and name, and both sides 
of a QSO must send *both* callsigns. The contest is held on 20, 40 and 
80m.  Activity typically starts on 20, the middle period is spent on 40 
and then the last hour is mainly 80m.

It's a fun contest with a QSO format that keeps you on your toes, so I 
hope there will be lots of UK activity this year. Information and full 
rules are at www.eusprint.com

Dave G4BUO

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