Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Sat Apr 12 15:40:27 EDT 2008

Clive Whelan wrote:
>It seems that many hands have made light work  :-) .     I think this is
>a good result, and thanks are due to all who chimed up, well done people!
>The only event that I ever enter in the RSGB calendar is ROPOCO, so
>would devotees of the others please test asap and report to the N1MM list.
>*Version 7.12.24 (Started April 8, 2008) -- Download
>Improved the wording in several user messages, validated the version of
>DefaultSettings.txt file before loading. (coded by K3CT)
>Warn the user if they have a blank entry in the multi-computer station
>table. A blank entry can cause computers to not be able to connect to
>each other. (Coded by N2IC)
>Fixed problem with SO2R ESM where an S&P pounce on radio B would
>occasionally fail if radio A was transmitting. (Coded by N2IC)
>Added RSGB ROPOCO (ROPOCO) contest (many) (coded by PA1M)
>Added RSGB AFS contest (RSGBAFS-C and RSGBAFS-S) (many) (coded by PA1M)
>Added RSGB Club Calls contest (RSGBCLUB) (many) (coded by PA1M)
>Added RSGB 21/28 MHz contest (RSGB2128) (many) (coded by PA1M)
>Added RSGB 80 Meter Club Championship (CRSGB80MCC) (many) (coded by PA1M)
>Added RSGB Low Power Contest (CRSGBLP) (many) (coded by PA1M)
>B1032 Fixed showing non-PA stations in Red (K0RC) (Coded by PA1M)
>Please check the above contests if implemented correct long before the
>contest so we could update where needed!

PA1M has really decided to sort this out.

As the manual and help are running late...

In the New Contest form, select ROPOCOand enter your own postcode as the 
Exchange. Then set up the F5 macro as 599 {LASTEXCH} and it will do the 
correct ROPOCO thing.

Commonwealth Contest to follow.


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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