[UK-CONTEST] W3NQN multiband transmitting BPFs - Any interest?

Bob Henderson bob at 5b4agn.net
Tue Apr 15 06:18:16 EDT 2008

I'm planning to upgrade the transmitting BPFs at P3F to W3NQN types this 
year.  Rather than buy I will build them.  Left to my own devices, I'll 
manufacture the pcbs myself.  However it occurs to me there maybe others 
interested in W3NQN filters.  The purpose of this mail is to scope any 
such interest, with a view to having the individual filter pcbs 
manufactured professionally.

In the case of P3F all stations have access to all bands and antennas so 
we need multiband auto-switched filter sets.  The pcbs I am talking 
about are for individual band filters and will incorporate tracking for 
their associated band select relays.  Six such filters will comprise a 
set and I plan mounting these on a motherboard.  It is most unlikely 
that any professional production of motherboards could be done on an 
economic basis, so mounting arrangements for the completed filter boards 
would be left to the individual.

Needless to say, these filter pcbs could be used in construction of 
single band filters if required.  I have no idea about likely cost for 
pcbs but this will be very dependent upon demand.  If you're interested 
in obtaining pcbs for W3NQN filters please drop a note to bob at 5b4agn.net 
indicating how many individual filter boards you might be interested 
in.  Only an expression of interest is sought, no committment to 
purchase is required at this time.  If there is a meaningful level of 
interest I will get a quote for production such that decisions on real 
interest can then be taken.

Bob, 5B4AGN

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