[UK-CONTEST] VHF contests - links - various

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Wed Apr 23 07:00:04 EDT 2008

I know that various people from VHFCC monitor this reflector and not 
finding anywhere else I will ask here.

I have been sorting out a few links to VHF contesting sites for the 
new website I am currently doing for Mike G0GJV's Minos logging 
software (see http://minos.berlios.de/).. The VHFCC site 
http://www.vhfcc.org/ has several useful links on its links page, 
only that MOST of them go to dead ends!

UK Contesting Online - (GM4FDM) http://www.sol.co.uk/w/wylie - gives 
a page not found

IARU Contest Info - http://www.vhfcontest.org/ - shows that the 
domain expired in March and is now up for sale. I recall that various 
contests have their logs sent to @vhfcontest.org.

There is vhfcontest.net run by OK1CD which has lots of IARU contest 
stuff, but not sure whether this is a replacement.

Microwave committee - http://www.rsgb.org/society/mc.htm - gives not 

Any enlightenment, in particular what has happened to vhfcontest.org?

73 Dave G3YMC


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