Mike Chamberlain g3wph at folly.demon.co.uk
Tue Dec 2 05:56:23 EST 2008

First off congratulations to Peter, G3LET on 1214 QSOs in his accidental
entry, that is very impressive - I don't know where he found the stations.

I wanted to make a serious entry but realised it was not to be when I saw
the weather forecast for the weekend. I use a Helikite to keep the antenna
aloft, it flies in no wind, 25 knot winds, but always comes back to mother
earth when it rains.

I decided that as there was little chance of operating to the end of the
contest I'd use the cluster - more on that later.  The Helikite flew well
until 0630 on Sunday Morning by which time it was raining fairly heavily and
I had 725 QSOs and 69 countries in 18 zones. Another 90 minutes would have
taken me through sun rise and no doubt some more Caribbean/SA multipliers. I
find working DX to the east nearly impossible during 160m contests, the QRM
and clicks raise the noise floor. I've had over 100 JA/9M/VK QSOs on 160m
this year - but never even heard a JA during a CQWW contest. As expected
working to the West is much easier.

I did try to fly the Helikite on Sunday evening, and even operate with the
40m end fed wire, but not very successfully.

Back to the cluster - it really brings the best operating out in people. A
number of times I'd tune to a new spot to hear a wall of stations calling,
often for several minutes with no chance of anybody in Europe hearing the
DX. Twice on D4C spots I didn't hear the DX or anybody on the QRG work him -
I strongly suspect he had never been there.  

The contest was good for my 160m DXCC count - I'd got to 200 on Friday
morning with the SM group in HC2, during the contest new ones were HC8, V4,
ZF and OX

QSOs: 766
Zones:  18
Countries:  69
Operating Time:  Approx 22 hours

Rig: FT-2000
Amp: ACOM 1K
Tx Ant: 40m Slopper
Rx Ants: K9AY loops.

Mike G3WPH

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