[UK-CONTEST] CQ-WW CW - 40 (+ Router probs!)

gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk
Wed Dec 3 07:37:13 EST 2008

I too experienced remarkable condx for my 1st 40m SOSB entry for 30 
years (with a different px now of course!).

The daylight condx were without doubt far better than during the nite 
- have never heard so many strong JA stations (JA5FDJ and JA3YBK were 
peaking 25 dB over around midday).
Also worked 8 x KH6 stations mostly during daylight hours with KH6LC 
being the most consistent signal and audible for at least 75% of the 
Great path to ZL - and lotsa multi op activity from there too.

Not enough Qs (1385 net) but 137 countries + 38 zones is quite 
pleasing - XE was one of the 2 Zone gotaways and of course a double 
mult - no Zone 34 heard.

Highest frequency used was 7.095 when OD5NJ suddenly called CQ right 
on the freq which I was listening on for another station - maybe I 
should have listened higher than 7.100? 
It was very noticeable how quiet the band was between 7050 and 7100 - 
very few SSB stations audible during the nite.

WX here was not quite to a OX5AA low but once it dips below 0 deg the 
portakabin shack here becomes not so comfy - so took 5 hours off for 
sleep and body thaw!

Thanks to all Reflector subscribers for the QSOs - have been 
interested to see those who have already reported their experiences 
(some very mixed ones).

To Ian (G4IIY):- Not sure if you have tried this but try wrapping your 
telephone input lead round a ferrite ring (or other ferrite shape) 
right up at your Router input - worked a treat here (with the offending 
160m antenna about 50 feet away).

73 Cris

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