[UK-CONTEST] Recent RSGB contest results - (Sprints)

stewart rolfe gw0etf at btinternet.com
Sat Dec 13 16:06:23 EST 2008

Thanks Graham and others involved in putting these on. Activity is still too low but there are definite signs that more folk are having a go - I counted 4 'first timers' from the soapbox comments for the final cw event; that's got to be positive.

Still a little disappointing how few use the 'correct' exchange format which is really needed in a sprint to avoid having to wait for the completion of a contact to work out who is going and who is available to work. Perhaps a bit of 'information carpet bombing' before the start of next year's series will be needed (reflector, contest pages of Radcom etc...). This will really make a difference if activity ever does take off.

Good to see continued support from the EU regulars too - eg PG7V, YL3DX and some of the F-stns. See you next year!


Stewart GW0ETF

--- On Sat, 13/12/08, G4FNL <g4fnl at bubloz.demon.co.uk> wrote:

> The results for the recent RSGB 1.8Mhz and also for the CW
> Sprint from
> November, have recently been published on the RSGB Contest
> web site
> http://www.rsgbhfcc.org
> 73  Graham G4FNL
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