[UK-CONTEST] DARC 10m Contest

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Jan 11 16:04:22 EST 2008

The DARC 10m contest takes place from 0900 to 1059 UTC
on Sunday 13th January.  It is CW-only, or mixed CW/SSB
on 10m, with LP and HP categories.  There is no SSB-only

Rules at http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/xedczr.htm

SD V13.34 has been updated (11th January) to support this
event.  It runs on any Windows PC and is free from
www.ei5di.com.  Earlier versions of SD can not be used.

   Select the "DARC 10m" template.

Work everyone.
DLs send 59(9) + Serial + District Code (DOK)
Others send 59(9) + Serial.

Mults are DOKs and Countries - each counting once only. 

After the contest, use SDCHECK to prepare your Cabrillo
.LOG file.  Email your log, as an attached file, to
10m at dxhf.dard.de

Paul EI5DI

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