[UK-CONTEST] Transmitted Noise

Cooper, Stewart coopers at odl.co.uk
Fri Jan 18 05:11:42 EST 2008

Having seen some comments about SO2R in AFS I thought I would see how my
radios performed while both in the same band. I'm using 2 x FT1000MP.
Neither have any modified front-ends/roofing filter mods. I have found
that when I transmit on the first radio, the second radio is receiving
lots of noise. Read on - this is not what you think. The receiving radio
is using beverages and ewes which are about 100m from the tx antenna.
The received noise is a shhhhhh type noise and occurs even when I reduce
the output of the transmitted signal to NOTHING! In fact, the shhhh
remains there whether I blast 400 watts out, or simply press the
footswitch and actually radiate nothing (nothing perceptable anyway).
The shhhh noise varies in strength when I switch between rx antennas to
a slight degree - the noise is coming in to the receiving radio via the
antenna input - disappears when unplugged. It also doesn't get much
louder as I tune up and down on the receive radio towards or away from
the tx frequency. I do believe the noise is being transmitted and is not
related to the actual power output and happens whether the transmission
is SSB or CW.
I haven't done much investigation, but it is very strange. There are
many things I have yet to try, but I wondered if anyone else has any
experience of this? Please just reply off reflector.

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