Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Sun Jan 27 07:43:30 EST 2008

Just made 137 QSOs on 14Mhz only, in an hour or so each day.

Once again I struggled with the pace and operating style, which were 
much slower than I am used to on CW. Someone else pointed out to me that 
very few stations appear in the SCP list, which implies that very few 
digital ops use other modes  in contests, and ditto CW/SSB ops on RTTY. 
This may go some way to explain the operating practices noted, which is 
a shame, especially as 45 baud is about 60 w.p.m. equivalent; this was a 
lowlight. Some cross fertilisation is definitely required imo.

A highlight was being called by an E21 and a VK7 in rapid succession on 
the Saturday, but little DX otherwise heard or worked.

Another highlight was being able to take a telephone call and run about 
two QSOs a minute by typing exclusively with my left had! Certainly 
couldn't do that when operating CW which takes 100% of my concentration!



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