[UK-CONTEST] How many people go contesting?

Nigel G3TXF nigel at G3TXF.com
Tue Jul 1 01:14:16 EDT 2008

It's similar for the G3Ts. There are 281 G3Ts in the 2008 CallBook. 

Cards received at the G3T Sub-Buro indicate that about 76 (27%) of these are
regularly active on the air to a greater or lesser degree.

[The RSGB "member/non-member" bit is a red-herring. Non-members can still
receive cards. There is no pre-sorting of incoming cards along these lines
before cards get to the Sub-Buro.]

73 - Nigel G3TXF

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Peter Hobbs
Sent: 01 July 2008 00:07
To: G3RAU at aol.com; uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] How many people go contesting?

Thanks Derek, very enlightening!  I'd hazard a guess that these guys,  many 
in their early retirement years, are one of the more active subsets of 
calls.  Assuming also that not all of those in the callbook are actually 
RSGB members (and therefore eligible to use the bureau), the postulated 10% 
of contesters (if correct) is starting to look nearer 50% of 
active-on-the-air RSGB members.
Peter G3LET

> Bob, The situation for G3Rxx stations, (who are all at least 61 years 
> old),
> is about 24% of those in the current callbook receive cards via the  sub 
> buro.
> Hope that helps,
> 73
> Derek G3RAU 

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