Chris Tran GM3WOJ zl1ct1 at gm7v.com
Tue Jul 1 03:23:16 EDT 2008

Hello all

HF NFD 2008 - GM2MP/p - Restricted section

A belated report - we travelled to a new site this year and it was 
excellent - sea on 3 sides and one end of our doublet almost underwater at 
high tide.  Take-off to the East was particularly good.  Another bonus of 
this site is a 6' high wall which shielded our tent from sea-breezes and 
generator noise.

Lots of minor problems just before the start of the contest, although 
everything kept working for the whole event - good openings on 10m and 160m, 
but perhaps not for as long as some other stations.

1281 valid QSOs for a claimed score of 4935 pts.

Thanks to team members Cris GM4FAM and Jim GM0NAI for a great event and to 
Andy GM0UDL and Frank GM0CSZ for visiting us.


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