[UK-CONTEST] Contesting + support

Rob - G4LMW g4lmw at btconnect.com
Wed Jul 16 08:55:46 EDT 2008

As a non-contest (not anti-contest) operator for 27 years, perhaps I should 
give my experience as to why I have suddenly got the contesting bug after 
all this time.......

The RSGB Club Championship has been a great encouragement. My local club 
(Newbury & DARS) has had a strong entry in recent years and all members are 
encouraged to take part. The format of the contest is ideal for the newcomer 
and I have very much enjoyed the challenge. I now find myself joining in in 
all sorts of contests and sending check-logs etc. I will be taking part in 
this weekend's QRP bash too. I have to say that the SSB contests don't 
interest me too much so I tend to concentrate on CW, but the RTTY contests 
are fun

I am not in a priveleged position with regard to antennas. Though I have the 
space, I do not have the support of the "Station Manager" in this regard. 
Still, my dipole does OK.

What would now encourage me further?..........................to actually 
WIN something !!! (or come close). Maybe I have missed them but are there 
awards/prizes for "newcomers" in any contests? The idea that a "newbie" to 
contesting could actually WIN something would be great.

Rob, G4LMW

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