[UK-CONTEST] Contesting + support

Colin colin at g3psm.net
Thu Jul 17 11:50:04 EDT 2008

Hello Tammie and welcome aboard.

I think many of us have a habit of forgetting their formative years in 
the hobby, the attitude of many of the older amateurs in those days 
being much the same as it is these days.   When undergoing training at 
RAF Cosford in the mid 50's I always remember attempting to visit one of 
the local amateurs in Shifnal, a G3C.. I seem to recollect.   He was in 
his garden at the time and when I attempted to introduce myself I was 
told to "b.gg.r off" in no uncertain terms.

Conversely, when I visited the now defunct Pontypool Radio Club on my 
occasional visits home I was greeted with open arms and encouraged to 
participate in National Field Day and other field events.   That of 
course was in the days of the 10 Watt limit off a car battery.   Of 
course I didn't operate but logging was encouraged.   I believe there 
are other members of this reflector from that same stable.

As a member of the White Rose Amateur Radio Society in Leeds we 
encouraged newcomers to participate and often ran two or three stations 
in a Field Day, whether NFD, SSB FD or VHF/UHF Field Day.   One station 
was run as the serious contender, the others as training and social 
events.   These days I am told the WRARS has shrunk to around 15 members 
from the 150 plus when I was there!

Incidentally another female contester that comes to mind is Avril, ex 
M3KOP,  2E0KOP and now M0KOP, a member of the Newbury club.   Avril is 
very active in the 80 metre Club Contests as well as other contests that 
Newbury enter.

It really is a case of resilience.   There will be those who will try 
and knock you down, but ignore them and enjoy the hobby.   There are 
plenty of other's who are willing to help you develop your skills and 
who knows, you might be invited to join one of the top tems some time in 
the future.


Colin, G3PSM

Radio Society of Great Britain*

Tammie Evans wrote:
> Hello all, have been reading the various messages over the last few days 
> or so and thought I would "jump" in.
> I have only been licensed since August 2003 and was awfully mic-shy 
> until a fellow club member persuaded me that talking on the air really 
> wasn't so bad and no-one would laugh at me!  That happened in the start 
> of 2006 and since then I've taken part in Transmission, CQ WW SSB, CQ 
> WPX SSB and a couple of club events - I absolutely love contesting - I 
> may only be a "newbie" with not much experience (and not many points) 
> but it's great fun!
> I'm afraid my club is small (too much politics over the years from what 
> I understand!) at the moment with around 30 members, but even when we 
> had around 60 members there is one person who opens up one of the club 
> rooms for the CC events and Windmills but it's never very serious 
> contesting, and extremely difficult to get anyone to operate!  There are 
> probably 5 or 6 members who do CC from home and send the scores in for 
> the club.  I've always found it to be a struggle to get the club to take 
> part in the big contests so I just do it with one other person who is 
> slowly becoming very interested in contesting!
> Anyway, that's another "newbies" perspective on things... it's quite 
> funny really, I'm female (I seem to cause pile-ups which is very 
> nerve-racking!) and young which you don't seem to find in many radio clubs!
> 73 Tammie M3ENF
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