Alan Jubb - 5B4AHJ g3pmr at shacklog.co.uk
Mon Jul 28 09:42:02 EDT 2008

Contest         : IOTA Contest
Callsign        : P3J
Mode            : MIXED
Category        : Single Operator (SO)
Overlay         : ---
Band(s)         : All bands (AB)
Class           : High Power (HP)
Zone/State/...  : AS004
Locator         :
Operating time  : 23h13

   80         0    0             20   14       267         13.35
   40       25   16           152   38    1410           7.97
   20       84   37           408   65    3435           6.98
   15       52   28           221   40    2079           7.62
   10       43   10            66   16       867           7.95
TOTAL  204   91          867   173    8058       7.52
        TOTAL SCORE : 2 127 312

Dupes are not included in QSO counts neither avg calculations

Operators       : 5B4AHJ

A most enjoyable contest as usual, in spite of fairly mixed conditions. No
VK or JA stations worked!
Good to find 10m open for most of the daylight hours, and to find 20m open
to NA all night
and even to ZL at 03.00 local time.
This was the first entry in this contest from my current QTH, and the
result, in terms of gross claimed score, is my best yet (hence achieving my
main objective).

I need to improve my 80m antenna for next year.

My feeling is that there were less Gs active this year (compared with my
last IOTA 2 years ago). I'll do some analysis of the two logs in due course
to check that.

Ed, GW3SQX (GW7X) is spot on when he says: "To get any sort of score in this
contest, you have to work LOTS of multipliers."

I changed my strategy this year to focus on multipliers and 15 pointers, and
achieved my best score yet, even though my QSO count was about 30% down.
Analysing my log shows that 37% of my QSOs were 15 pointers.

I'll be back next year and hope for further improvement (helped by some


Alan 5B4AHJ

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