gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk
Thu Jul 31 16:46:29 EDT 2008

>Is there a reporting structure where a complaint could be made ? is 
it  worth 
>doing ? has anyone experienced this in the past ?

I too had a similar problem with a UK multi-op station - but it didn't 
take too long to realise that the station concerned was mult hunting 
while the other was running stations on another band.
I called again the next day, more in hope than optimism, but was 
acknowledged and informed it was again the mult hunting station.
So, I understand their predicament and if I was in that ops shoes 
would feel inclined to do same (who wants to work EU-005 when a good 
mult is due to appear on the frequency?) - but next year I hope they 
run more on CW!

Meanwhile Cambell it is an entirely different matter if that station 
being called by GM2T was running stations - perhaps, in the first 
instance, an e-mail to one of the ops / organiser? If no satisfactory 
answer received then you should certainly take matters further.

73 Cris


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