gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk
Sun Mar 9 13:44:44 EDT 2008

A wonderful effort by Chris at GB5CC - congratulations Mr Tran.

What happened from 0600z on sunday? I reckon it was lack of activity 
rather than condx - the VK/ZL stations were very good sigs up till 
0900z but it was all the usual suspects QRV and very few new calls.

I kept 3 of the 12 hours 'in reserve' for 0600z onwards in the hope 
that 15, 20, 40 and 80 would open up again like 2007 (especially 15 and 
20) - before the last session I had 188 QSOs - I made exactly 16 more 
contacts (that's a staggeringly high hourly rate of just over 5!) - 
nuff sed.

But good fun as always - and some big sigs (especially from some of 
the VE boys).

73 de Cris

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