[UK-CONTEST] Commonwealth Contest V47CD *** Go Team DX ***

Nick Totterdell ntotterdell at riverauto.co.uk
Tue Mar 11 18:18:48 EDT 2008

Log Summary:




   80   105   4  14   3     525   580 10.52 

   40   213   3  28   6    1065  1080 10.07 

   20   168   4  24   5     835   840  9.97 

   15    82   2  16   2     410   600 12.32 

   10     2   0   0   0       0     0  0.00 


TOTAL   570  13  82  16    2835  3100 10.41 


TOTAL SCORE: 5,935 Restricted Section (not sure how accurate the Wintest
score calculation is - this could be rubbish?)


Equipment: FT897 100 watts, Cushcraft R6000 vertical, 40m dipole and 80m


Location: Rawlins Plantation, St Kitts, http://www.rawlinsplantation.com/.


Software: Wintest (also homebrew software for V4/G4FAL - just over 800 Qs
outside the contest - severely restricted by moving QTH and being in agony!)


So what happened? Well the bad was pretty bad - I started the week with a
kidney stone eruption and spent the first night of my week in Hospital on IV
painkillers. The kidney stone pain continued all week and I had about 6
hours of agony during Beru which at least stopped me from nodding off.
Perhaps I should donate a kidney bowl as a new award after this nightmare.


80m G(66), J88, V26, VE(35), VQ5, ZC4, ZL(3)

40m 5B, 9H, 9J, G(131), J88, V26, VE(53), VK(13), VQ5, ZB2, ZC4, ZL(8),

20m 5B, 9H, G(102), J88, VE(53), VK(2), VP8, VQ5, VU, ZB2, ZL(3), ZS(4)

15m 5B(3), 9H, 9J, C6, G(42), J88, VE(30), VP8, VQ9, ZS(3)

10m IK, W (no CC worked but heard VQ9)


Despite the kidney stone, the contest was really enjoyable from outside the
UK. Thanks to everyone for the QSOs.


Have a look at my facebook photo album if you really have time to waste:




*** Go Team DX ***

Nick G4FAL (on tour)





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