[UK-CONTEST] 80m CC Club Scoring

Dave Lawley dave at g4buo.com
Mon Mar 24 14:52:16 EDT 2008

The 80m CC contests have exceeded all expectations, and this has led us 
  to make a small change to the club scoring arrangement. Instead of 
normalising to 100 points for the leader's score in each section, 
starting in 2008 we will normalise to 1000. This will avoid the problem 
whereby very occasionally two entrants with different numbers of QSOs 
could end up with the same normalised score.

We have also taken the opportunity to publish the spreadsheet which is 
used to calculate the club scores, and this can be downloaded from the 
80m CC results page. If your browser displays a warning about imbedded 
macros in this spreadsheet, don't worry they are harmless.

Dave G4BUO
RSGB Contests Committee

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