[UK-CONTEST] Antenna Cables underground

Laurence Mason laurence at forest-farm.co.uk
Mon Mar 31 06:05:49 EDT 2008

John Wayman wrote:
> When laying the pipe, how does one get the rope, to be used for pulling the cables, all the way from one end to the other to start with?
When we put the phone line in here we had to bury the duct first before 
BT did the install.

The run is about 300m in length. BT supplied the duct (100mm) and draw 
rope. We put the rope through each section as we pushed them together. 
At one stage it looked like we would not have the rope when we were 
burying the duct and my digging chap said not to worry as we could 
'blow' it through afterwards. We would tie a bag to the rope, put it in 
the duct and then use a compressor to force it down the pipe! It sounded 
like he had done it before! I suspect he meant a large roadside 
compressor and not a diy one. In the end we did not have to do it as the 
rope turned up in time.

When BT came to pull through the cable they had some soapy substance 
they applied to the cable as it came off the drum before it entered the 
duct. They did not bother to pull a spare rope through with cable - they 
said they use a mole device if more cables are required but that the 
mole will not grip to the bare pipe (it needs to have at least one cable 
already in place).

Chris Smith wrote:
> Sewer piping is orange
The underground stuff is orange but I believe it degrades in sunlight - 
you want to change to grey before you come out of the ground.

Laurence G4HTD

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