[UK-CONTEST] RSGB contest 'bandplans' (cw)

Stewart Rolfe gw0etf at btinternet.com
Thu May 1 13:09:41 EDT 2008

While we're in the mood for moaning about the RTTY band allocations, how 
about looking at the the QRS coral in the CW 80m champs events? For sure 
we need a spot to encourage slow speed operators/novices but 40% of the 
total seems to be excessive.

I rarely hear anyone operating in the majority of 3550 - 3570 except for 
the odd QRQ stray from further down, no doubt persuaded there due to 
lack of room in the 'normal' area; I usually check there toward the end 
of each event to mop up any new calls but rarely find more than a 
couple. I would think 10kHz would be plenty for the few who want or need 
to send slower and may well be a positive encouragement to them if it 
becomes easier to stick to the agreed speeds in the more sensible space 


Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF

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