[UK-CONTEST] USB to Serial Adapters

Pascal Grandjean - F5LEN grandjean.pascal at laposte.net
Mon May 5 03:55:38 EDT 2008

Hello Adrian,

Adrian Rees a écrit :
> Hi all
> I am having a spot of bother with a USB to Serial adapter, and was wondering
> if any of you had successfully managed to get a USB to Serial Adapter
> working with either XP or Vista and either an ICOM CIV Interface or a
> Rigblaster ?
I do.
I'm using a USB to serial adapter with a simple CI-V interface build 
according to G3VGR circuitry.
It's working well on a laptop (winXP-pro) and on a desktop
(Dell/Winxp SP2) with Win-test and logger32.
The usb to serial adapter is the cheapest I could find in the 
supermarket... (there is no trade mark on it).

73's Pascal - F5LEN

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