[UK-CONTEST] Enamelled wire -vs- Flexweave

Callum M0MCX callum at mccormick.uk.com
Mon Nov 3 07:17:03 EST 2008

I could send this to ham_antennas but I'm after a "British" answer(!)

We have a horizontal triangular 174 meter loop up at 90 feet at the scout
hut (58 meters per leg), currently made of 16 gauge enamelled copper wire. I
don't have any proper ceramic insulators, I just wound the wire twice around
some strong US military paracord. I'm trying to make sure this lasts a few
years. Clearly I have to junk the paracord and get some decent insulators
that will allow the wire to  radius correctly? I see I can buy these ceramic
insulators from QST magazine, but not sure if there's a British supplier?

Comments sought regarding: a) Is it worth replacing the enamelled wire with
flexweave (I'm happy replacing the wire annually rather than go to expense
of flexweave) and b) what am I to replace the paracord with? I need a
stealthy black or green cable?

I could also use those "G5RV" style springs to make sure that if the 100
foot oak trees get out of synch with each other, the cable doesn't snap. Are
they any good?



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